Short Article on Cardiac Surgery


Short Article on Cardiac Surgery

Surgery performed on the heart or major blood vessels is referred to as cardiac surgery, sometimes known as cardiovascular surgery. It is widely used to treat ischemic heart disease's aftereffects as well as congenital heart disease, valvular heart disease from a variety of causes, including endocarditis. Heart transplants are also a component of it.

Jean Larrey (1810), Henry Dalton (1891), and Daniel Hale Williams (1891) were the first surgeons to operate on the pericardium (1893). Axel Cappelen performed the first operation on the actual heart on September 4, 1895, at Rikshospitalet in Kristiania, which is now Oslo.

Types of cardiac surgery

  1. Open-Heart Surgery

Any type of surgery in which the rib cage is opened and the heart is operated on requires a significant incision in the chest. The chest, not the heart, is what's meant by "open." The surgeon might additionally open the heart, depending on the type of operation. Dr. Wilfred G. Bigelow of the University of Toronto discovered that situations devoid of blood and motion were preferable for performing procedures involving accessing the patient's heart.


  1. Modern Beating-Heart Surgery

In the early 1990s, surgeons used off-pump coronary artery bypass, which is performed without cardiopulmonary bypass. The heart is stabilised during these procedures so that a nearly silent work area may be created and a conduit channel that circumvents a blockage can be attached while the patient's heart continues to beat throughout the treatment. A conduit channel that is frequently used is the saphenous vein. This vein is removed using a technique called endoscopic vascular harvesting (EVH).


  1. Heart Transplant

The Soviet physician Nikolai Sinitsyn successfully fused the hearts of a frog and a dog in 1945. Although the world's first adult heart transplant was carried out by South African cardiac surgeon Christiaan Barnard utilising techniques developed by Shumway and Richard Lower, Norman Shumway is widely regarded as the father of human heart transplantation. Louis Washkansky underwent the first transplant at Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town on December 3rd, 1967, thanks to Barnard. Just three days later, on December 6, 1967, Adrian Kantrowitz performed the first juvenile heart transplant at Maimonides Hospital in Brooklyn, New York. On January 6th, 1968, Shumway performed the nation's first adult heart transplant at Stanford University Hospital.


  1. Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG)

Revascularization, another name for coronary artery bypass grafting, is a frequent surgical operation used to designate an alternative route for blood supply to the body and heart in an effort to reduce the risk of blood clot development. The arteries utilised for this can come from a variety of bodily parts and can be done in a variety of ways. In order to relieve pressure and reduce clotting factors in that region of the heart, arteries are often extracted from the chest, arm, or wrist and then linked to a section of the coronary artery.

The operation is often carried out due to coronary artery disease, a condition in which the major blood vessel supplying oxygen-rich blood to the heart develops a material resembling plaque. A blockage or rupture brought on by this may occur, and a heart attack may result.


  1. Minimally Invasive Surgery

A surgeon may undertake an endoscopic operation instead of open heart surgery, which requires a five to eight inch incision in the chest wall, by creating very small incisions through which a camera and specialised equipment are placed.


A machine operated by a cardiac surgeon is used to carry out an operation in robot-assisted heart surgery. This has three tiny port holes in place of a larger incision large enough for the surgeon's hands as its principal benefit. Although early research has demonstrated that using robotics as an alternative to conventional procedures is safe, the use of robotics in heart surgery is still being studied.



Surgery Current Research


Surgery: Current Research is an international open-access peer-review Journal that emphasises medical specialties and concentrates on manual operation and cutting-edge instrumental techniques used in the current research sector. The journal's material can be accessed for free. Journal covers a wide range of surgical classifications, including both invasive and non-invasive surgical techniques.

Elective surgery, transplant surgery, angioplasty, minimally invasive surgery, laparotomy, plastic surgery, cardiac surgery, renal surgery, thoracic surgery, neurosurgery, oral surgery, breast surgery, gynaecological surgery, ankle surgery, dental surgery, neck surgery, colorectal surgery, etc. are just a few of the surgical specialties covered by the journal's broad scope.


Journal Highlights

•             Cardiac Surgery

•             Oculoplastic surgery

•             Liver Surgery

•             Neurosurgery

•             Oral Surgery


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