What Indian start-ups are involved in the synthesis and characterisation of nanomaterials?

What Indian start-ups are involved in the synthesis and characterisation of nanomaterials?
An essential component of nanotechnology is the creation of synthesis methods for producing nanomaterials in a variety of forms, sizes, and chemical compositions. Research in this area has been stimulated by the amazing size-dependent physicochemical characteristics of nanoparticles. To create dependable methods for synthesising nanomaterials with a variety of sizes and chemical compositions, there is a great deal of research interest in the field of nanotechnology. Even though Michael Faraday's original metal sol synthesis techniques are still utilised to create metal nanoparticles, they have undergone a number of changes and enhancements that provide researchers more control over the size, shape, and other properties of the nanoparticles.
The size of nanomaterials is one of several reasons why they are unique. Up to 10,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair, nanomaterials. Furthermore, their small size makes them extremely important for a variety of practical tasks. In other words, nanomaterials are not merely a product of the lab. However, the development of nanotechnology has allowed people to produce materials containing nanoforms. And we continue to do so because they offer some benefits that materials in larger sizes do not.
Numerous cutting-edge businesses still in operation today were originally start-ups and the following sectors of nanoscience and nanotechnology start-ups:
Pharmaceuticals: Today, the goal of pharmaceutical innovation is to deliver the drug to the appropriate target site without causing any side effects, and by doing so, create a highly efficient drug with the addition of nanomaterials that can enhance the drug characteristics but not decrease the drug effect.
Cosmetics like face creams, sunscreens, anti-ageing creams, etc. all contain specific Nanopowder in the right proportions to improve their objective properties through the right composition.
Multiwalled carbon nanotubes and graphene in a variety of configurations are available from nano Technologies. Along with these, they offer analytical services such as FESEM, TEM, AFM, FTIR, XRD, XPS, Contact Angle, BET, Zeta sizer, and Master sizer.
Advanced nanotechnology lab: a producer of coatings.
The company Auto Fibre Craft: AFC Powders produces specialised nanomaterials. Presently, it produces nano-sized silver powder for use in electronic applications, such as RFID and the creation of conductive inks and pastes. It complies with RoHS regulations.
Technology and services provided by VANSA: The business specialises in the analytical characterization, consulting, and synthesis of nanomaterials for use by universities, research centres, and businesses based on nanotechnology. They also produce other nanoparticles, including carbon nanotubes, graphene, and others.
A company that specialises in chemicals with a silica and alumina focus is called Bee Chems. Produces items made from various grades of nano silica.
Bilcare: NonClonable is a novel security innovation created by Bilcare. To create an impenetrable security system, the technology ingeniously takes advantage of the intrinsic features of nano- and micro-structured composites, as well as their magnetic and optical capabilities.
Egoma Technologies is a company that specialises in creating individualised solutions for ball mills and nanopowder needs. Additionally, they offer consulting services for industrial and R&D difficulties involving materials.
Eris Technologies: Eris Technologies is a software development firm that also offered practical training for the workplace in fields like nanotechnology. Certification in nanotechnology includes coursework in applied nanotechnology, where tolerances and dimensions between.1nm and 100nm play a crucial role. The course discusses the fundamentals of nanotechnology as well as the production process, lithography, CNT, nanocomputers, nanomedicine, and nanodiamonds.
The business, Icon Analytical Equipment, is a distributor of analytical tools with an emphasis on nanotechnology and associated analytical techniques.
Nano span: The business produces, distributes and uses materials linked to graphene. A variety of graphene types, functionalized graphene, and intermediates made from graphene, carbon nanotubes, and nanomaterials are available from them. In the fields of energy storage, electronics, polymer/resin/lubricants, electronic inks, and 3D printing, they offer analytical testing & engineering services for products based on burgeoning nanotechnology. Additionally, they offer services for the characterization and testing of nanomaterials using tools like the HR-TEM, FESEM, FTIR, XRD, BET, and AFM.
A multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed, open-source publication called Nano Science & Nano Technology: An Indian Journal publishes academic papers on cutting-edge research in those domains and allied ones.
Scope & Aims
• Placed emphasis on the distribution of knowledge about recent discoveries and advancements in the area of nanoscience and nanotechnology on a global scale by scientists, academics, and research scholars.
• Journal soliciting papers on significant, ground-breaking advancements in nanotechnology, with extensive coverage of both basic and applied research.
Indexed in: Directory of Research Journals, Google scholar, Chemical Abstract Service (CAS), CNKI, Open J-Gate and SSE Labs.
The manuscript may be submitted by email at nanoscience@journalsoa.org or you can also directly submit your article on our web through the Nano link.
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